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Is Your Recruiting Process Broken?
Article Categories: Recruiting/Hiring
Article Tags: Employers
Posted on Monday, January 23, 2023

Is Your Recruiting Process Broken?

Is Your Recruiting Process Broken?

Finding and recruiting the right candidate has always been a challenge, but with the tough labor market employers face today, that challenge is bigger than ever. Candidates have more demands and alternative options, with employers facing the prospect of losing a candidate more easily and often than they’re used to.

The truth is, many companies step on their own toes and miss out on that perfect candidate because of easily avoidable mistakes such as a complicated application, a lackluster employee experience, poor communication, and an unfavorable workplace culture.

With the number of job openings nearly double the number of unemployed persons, and record-setting quit rates month after month, job seekers have more options than ever before. Job seekers also have shifted values, placing more focus on the importance of work-life balance and competitive compensation. They have high expectations of employers, and if your recruiting and hiring process falls short, they’re going to walk.

The bright side is that when you get the hiring experience right, the rewards are well worth the effort. High-quality hires mean better efficiencies and outputs which lead to larger profit margins and contribute to a desirable work environment. It also means that those high-quality hires are going to tell their talented peers to apply at your company as well.

The bottom line is that improving your hiring experience is more than worth the effort and investment. Here are a few places to start:

Be prepared and informed. Make sure any decision makers are prepped and ready to make an immediate hiring decision before you ever start recruiting. If they have an audit or vacation coming up that will take priority, wait to start recruiting. Also, ensure everyone is on the same page as far as needs and requirements before posting the job, you lose valuable time and can potentially turn off candidates by not having a clear description of what you’re looking for.

Make the application process quick and easy. Your initial application should be simple and easy to fill out. For example, if you require a resume, don’t require the candidate to fill out their job history in the application. Studies show that 60% of job seekers will leave an application prior to completion due to complexity, so save the hard questions and scrutiny for the interview.

Provide a welcoming and memorable interview experience. Put yourself in the candidates shoes… what would make you more comfortable in a similar situation? Remember that an interview is a two-way conversation: the candidate is deciding if they want to work for you, just like you’re deciding if you want them to.

Keep your hiring team on the same page. Ensure everyone knows their role within the hiring process and that all communication is timely and accurate. Candidates will get frustrated with a lengthy process (we’re talking days, not weeks) and quickly move on to the next company if they don’t hear from you in a timely manner. Keep the candidate informed throughout the process so they know exactly what to expect, and keep your team up to date so they know exactly what to do.

In today’s labor market, recruiting is a huge challenge and your process says a lot about your organization. Each part of the hiring process should be organized and efficient in order to create an environment top talent will want to be a part of. Avoid these common internal mistakes by being prepared and streamlining your application, interview and decision making processes to ensure you have the best chances at hiring that dream candidate.

Article Categories: Recruiting/Hiring
Article Tags: Employers