The Arnold Group (TAG) - Job Seeker Blog
The Arnold Group (TAG) - Job Seeker Blog
We are People Finders, NOT Job Finders
Article Categories: Staffing Agencies
Posted on Thursday, September 7, 2017

People Finders, NOT Job Finders

Recently, a candidate asked one of our recruiters (rather rudely we might add), “Are you even doing your job?” This unwarranted comment illustrated to us the necessity of debunking a common misconception job seekers have about what exactly a recruiter’s job is. A recruiter’s job is to find people for jobs, not jobs for people. The difference between a people finder and a job finder is perfectly explained by Stacy Donovan Zapar in her article NEWSFLASH: A Recruiter is Not a Job Finder! which we have referenced below and encourage all job seekers to read:

Recruiters are People Finders, NOT Job Finders

A recruiter is not a job finder.

Essentially, there is no such thing as a professional job finder. The closest thing you will find to a professional job finder is a job agent, who has a very different role than a recruiter.

 A recruiter may have certain duties that may assist you in finding your next job, such as reviewing your resume or conducting an interview, but their job is not to find you a job. Their job is to find the right person for a job position they have been assigned to fill.

Recruiters, such as the staffing specialists here at The Arnold Group (TAG), have a set number of specific job openings to fill at any given time.

As with any job position, we can only hire one person to fill that open spot. This means all the other applicants who applied for that position will not get that job.

Because recruiters are people finders and not job finders, they are only aware of the handful of available positions they have been assigned to fill. It is not their duty to find you a job, it is their duty to find the right person to fill the available position they have been assigned to fill.

The only job finder out there who will actually find a job for you is you.

If you are serious about finding your next position, it's essential you take matters into your own hands. Recruiters and job agencies are just one of the many avenues you should utilize to assist in your job search. There is no guarantee they will find you a position, and there is no guarantee they will find you a position you enjoy.

Job agencies such as TAG are simply another resource to assist with your job search, and having the right expectations of our services (remember, we are recruiters, not job agents) is essential to a successful and mutually beneficial partnership.

The best tip we can offer to job seekers is to find a specific position you're interested in being considered for, and reach out to the recruiter to reiterate your interest. You can do this by referencing that specific opportunity and explaining why you are a perfect fit for it – but only if you actually are a perfect fit for it; you will determine this based on the job description you have already carefully read.

Recruiters and job agencies like TAG can be extremely helpful to your job search – we may be a short stop on your career path to put some cash in your pocket, a resource to use occasionally as you find new opportunities, or we may be the agency that finds you your dream job.

The important thing to remember is that we are people finders, not job finders. It's up to you to do what it takes to find the dream job you're looking for.

Article Categories: Staffing Agencies