The Arnold Group (TAG) - Job Seeker Blog
The Arnold Group (TAG) - Job Seeker Blog
15 Must-Read Tips Before You Start a New Job
Article Categories: Career Advice, Job Search
Posted on Friday, April 17, 2020

15 Must-Read Tips Before You Start a New Job 

Congrats on getting the job! Starting a new role is an exciting time, but can often be frightening - after all, a new position comes with new responsibilities, a new boss, new coworkers and so many more changes. Many job seekers forget that the interview and job offer is just the first challenge of the job search. Now that you’ve landed the job, it’s time to prepare for your first day in your new position and company. Consider these tips to ensure not only a smooth transition, but also your success.

1. Stay positive. All the changes can be intimidating, but it’s important to build yourself up. You were offered the job for a reason, so face the challenge of change with a positive mindset. Positivity is contagious, so showing your positive mindset will give a good impression and draw your new coworkers to you.

2. Introduce yourself. Don’t be afraid to walk up to someone and introduce yourself if you run into someone you haven’t been introduced to yet. You want to come off friendly and approachable.

3. Learn names. A great way to impress your new coworkers is to remember their names. They likely don’t expect you to remember everyone’s names right off the bat, but it will show you pay attention and care. Research some ways to better remember details before your first day to find a strategy that might work well for you.

4. Strive to arrive early. Don’t start a new job on a bad foot by arriving late – especially during your first week. While you’re still learning and getting the lay of the land, plan to leave earlier than you normally would to figure out the best route to work and navigate traffic. Arriving early also shows you’re ready to get the day started and get settled into your position quickly.

5. Ask questions. As a new hire, there is a lot to learn in order to do your job effectively. No one expects you to start out knowing everything. Don’t be afraid to ask a lot of questions in order to gain clarity.

6. Dress professionally. Before your first day, ask about the dress code to ensure you’re dressed appropriately. If you’re unsure what to wear, a good rule of thumb is that it’s better to be overdressed than underdressed. If you’re still stressed about how to dress, check out this guide on dressing for success.

7. Participate in office activities. Does your office get together to celebrate a birthday? How does your team spend their lunch hour? Immerse yourself in the company culture and participate in activities. This will help you establish relationships and create a healthy work environment for yourself.

8. Read the employee handbook. It may sound boring, but when starting a new job, reading the employee handbook is highly recommended. Familiarizing yourself with the company’s policies allows you to ask any questions you may have early on and avoid any missteps.

9. Listen and learn. Maybe you’ve been doing this type of work for years and were hired for your expertise. Even so, that doesn’t mean you know everything. Your new job may have a different process for how things are done. Sit back and listen - you may learn something new.

10. Develop positive relationships. Get to know your coworkers and strive to establish positive relationships. This will make your life at work a more enjoyable experience.

11. Mind your own business. Most work environments will inevitably have some gossip, cliques, or drama circling around. Avoid getting involved at all costs; getting involved only makes you look bad.

12. Solicit feedback. Connect with your supervisor after the first few weeks to gain some feedback on how you’re doing and whether you’re meeting expectations. This will help you understand if you’ve created a good foundation or if any changes need to be made to your routine.

13. Determine and align expectations. Figure out what is expected from you over the first few months and map out how you plan to accomplish tasks.

14. Go easy on yourself. Allow yourself the time to learn and settle into your new job - no one starts out knowing everything.

15. Start building good habits. Start off on the right foot by practicing good habits. Think about what you may have struggled with at your old job… this is your chance to start a fresh new routine. Staying organized, practicing good time management and arriving early to work are all great habits that you’re more likely to stick with if you practice them right off the bat.

Getting a new job is an exciting time, but can also be intimidating. You will be entering a new work environment, with new people and new processes to learn. You can set yourself up for success by following these 15 tips, and remember: everyone has faced this challenge and no one expects you to be an expert on your first day. Give yourself time to learn and adapt, and you’re sure to succeed.

Article Categories: Career Advice, Job Search