The Arnold Group (TAG) - Job Seeker Blog
The Arnold Group (TAG) - Job Seeker Blog
What Do You Appreciate?
Article Categories: Career Advice, Safety and Wellness
Posted on Friday, February 18, 2022

What Do You Appreciate?

Have you taken stock of all the good things you have lately? Or an even harder question… what about all the good things at work? It’s hard to feel grateful during the daily grind when you’re in the middle of a tough work week.

Successful people tend to be grateful people though. They focus on what they have rather than what they don’t have, and always look for the positive side of things. Plus, they aren’t afraid to show it.

Many people get hung up on showing appreciation thinking that it’s unprofessional, or uncool, or simply now knowing how… especially at work. But just like you probably appreciate when someone comments on the great job you’re doing, your coworkers and managers would appreciate hearing the same from you!

Here are a few things to look out for that you might be able to better appreciate:

Having a Job – Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a job to go to every day, so whether you love it or not, appreciate the fact that you do. And show it by doing your best and letting your coworkers and boss know you’re happy to be part of the team.

Challenges and Developmental Opportunities – It’s not easy to look at challenges in a positive light, but if you do, you’ll be grateful they happened! View challenges as learning and development opportunities; they expand your experience and knowledge and ultimately help further along your career. Make the most of these opportunities, and if you have a mentor or instructor, be sure to tell them you appreciate their assistance.

Coworker’s Contributions – It’s difficult to recognize the contributions of great coworkers when you’re focused on what that one coworker isn’t contributing. Instead, try and notice all the things your team members do that help you meet goals, or simply make the day a little easier. By focusing on and acknowledging the good, you won’t get discouraged by the not-so-good. And when you do notice and appreciate something someone does, be sure to let them know!

Clients and Customers – If you didn’t have customers to serve, you probably wouldn’t have a job. Sometimes, you have to deal with a difficult customer, and that’s tough… but allow them to help you appreciate your other great customers that much more! Give them the best service you can and sincerely thank them for their business.

Article Categories: Career Advice, Safety and Wellness