The Arnold Group (TAG) - Job Seeker Blog
The Arnold Group (TAG) - Job Seeker Blog
What Are You Waiting For?
Article Categories: Career Advice, Job Search
Posted on Monday, September 12, 2022

What Are You Waiting For?

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Good things come to those who wait.” While we agree it’s important to be patient, we believe the rest of that saying (the part often forgotten or ignored) is the most important part: “but great things come to those who take action.”

During the 2020 pandemic, more people lost their jobs in a shorter time-span than ever before. As we adjusted to the “new normal,” many waited much longer than expected to return to their regular work routines or opted not to return altogether, instead favoring the new routine and income they created during the shut down.

Many employers have been surprised to discover the shortage of workers they continue to deal with so long after the pandemic, with many still unable to fill open opportunities. This shortage stems from a variety of factors and solving it won’t be simple – a large topic best tackled in another article.

As a job seeker, there are always reasons to wait for that perfect opportunity to pop up before making a career move. However, there are some excellent reasons to jump back into the employment arena immediately that we urge you to consider:

Stay ahead of the game. Regardless of where the market goes, maintaining employment not only means you have a steady paycheck, it ensures you’re continually growing your experience and gaining new skills. This could be the difference between promotions and raises over the long run, and makes you considerably more desirable as an employee – an important factor for when the market shifts and jobs become scarcer.

Grow and maintain your network. Remaining active in your chosen field and industry means you will be top of mind when opportunities open up, whether at your current employer or at an entirely different company.

Beat the Crowd. The employment market is a rollercoaster, and it’s hard to determine when the ups and downs will happen. It’s a sure bet that when the economy shifts and job openings aren’t as plentiful, the number of job seekers will increase and the competition for those positions will be fierce. Being willing to take a job while they’re available, even if it’s not the perfect position, will ensure you’re at the front of what could quickly become a long line for that opportunity when the market shifts.

No matter where you are in your career, it’s always smart to be proactive when it comes to taking action. Whether that means being willing to jump in on a position offering opportunity for growth rather than waiting for that “perfect” position to come along, or maintaining steady employment and continually growing your skills and experience so you’re prepared for the next opportunity, don’t wait. Remember, “great things come to those who take action.”

Article Categories: Career Advice, Job Search