The Arnold Group (TAG) - Job Seeker Blog
The Arnold Group (TAG) - Job Seeker Blog
Are Your Online Communication Skills Impacting Your Job Search?
Article Categories: Job Search, Career Advice
Posted on Monday, April 6, 2020

Are Your Online Communication Skills Impacting Your Job Search?

In today’s digital world, communicating effectively online is just as, if not more, important to your job search as it is in person. Even with a great resume or the right experience, recruiters may not give you the time of day if you don’t demonstrate the ability to communicate professionally. Ask yourself these questions to ensure your presence online is professional:

What’s your email address?

If your email address is the same one you’ve been using since you first signed up for an email account, it’s probably time for a change. The most professional email addresses are the simplest ones. For example, is always a great choice rather than Even worse than an unprofessional email address is an inappropriate one. We see numerous unprofessional and inappropriate emails more often than any recruiter should – and it doesn’t up your chances at landing an interview. Remember, you want to make a good impression and having an unprofessional email will do the opposite.

Are you using proper email etiquette?

Sending a personalized email to a hiring manager with your resume attached is a great way to make a good first impression and capture their attention. Neglecting to take your time and put thought into the email may result in mistakes and ultimately a bad impression. Below are important considerations to make before hitting send when writing professional emails:

  • How effective is the subject line?
  • Are the greeting and closing lines appropriate?
  • Attach your resume in PDF format, and inform the hiring manager what you have attached.
  • Have you explained who you are and why you are contacting them?
  • Is your signature appropriate? Include your name and contact information.

Attaching your resume in a PDF format is important in order to retain the format you want it to be viewed in. If sent as a Word document or another software program, it may not be compatible and could result in formatting changes or information lost.

Are you using proper grammar?

One of the most common mistakes we see when interacting with candidates online is improper grammar or abbreviations. “Text talk” is fine when you are texting or messaging your friends, however when you are messaging about a job, you should be spelling out words and using the appropriate punctuation. A professional recruiter is taking the time to send you a thoughtful response, so you should take the time to send back “thank you” instead of “ty”. Not doing so shows a lack of effort – definitely not something you want to demonstrate when seeking a job.

Do you maintain the same professionalism across all platforms?

We interact with candidates on Facebook Messenger daily in response to job applications submitted via Facebook Jobs. However, just because it’s social media interaction, doesn’t mean professionalism goes out the window. It’s important to remember you are communicating with recruiters that are considering you for job interviews, regardless of the communication medium. Below are some examples of messages we’ve received and how they should be worded professionally:

Unprofessional: “I need job”;

Professional: “Hello, my name is ______ and I am looking for work. I would greatly appreciate if you could direct me to where I can find your available positions, and the best way to apply. Thank you.”

Unprofessional: “y didn’t i hear anything yet”

Professional: “I never heard back regarding my previous application/communication. Could you provide me with a status update so I can complete the next steps accordingly? Thank you.”

What are you posting on your social media profiles?

Think about it this way: if you wouldn’t want your boss to see what you’re posting on social media, then you probably shouldn’t be posting it. Recruiters will often search for potential candidates online to see who comes up; they may also check out their social media profile(s) if they are considering them for a position. Think about your usernames, what you’re being tagged in, what you’re posting, and what you’re liking and sharing.

A successful job search starts with how you communicate and portray yourself in person as well as online. Employers are looking to hire individuals they can rely on to be professional and trustworthy. In today’s digital world, communicating effectively regardless of the medium is critical to all stages of your career – from your job search to being on-the-job. By asking yourself the above questions, you can better ensure your digital communication skills aren’t standing in the way of your job search success.

Article Categories: Job Search, Career Advice