The Arnold Group (TAG) - Job Seeker Blog
The Arnold Group (TAG) - Job Seeker Blog
We see candidates make the same mistakes… mistakes easily avoided if only they knew how we think and operate. In an effort to end some of the frustration experienced on job seekers’ side of the hiring process, we’ve compiled a list of things we wish all candidates knew:
[Several clients] want to compare top candidates before making a [hiring] decision. We’re losing great candidates because it’s taking too long to find more candidates to compare. How do I help them understand we need to move smarter and faster?
The cost of recruiting, hiring, and onboarding a new employee can be high – but well worth it for the right hire. But what about the cost of the wrong hire?
With the number of job openings nearly double the number of unemployed persons and record-setting quit rates, job seekers have more options than ever before. They have high expectations, and if your recruiting and hiring process falls short, they’re going to walk.
Still searching for that unicorn candidate? You know, the one whose resume sparkles with the perfect qualifications and turns every project they touch into gold from the moment of hire? If so, you’re not alone in your quest… but you’re also not alone in your efforts coming up short.
Company culture remains a hot topic. It encompasses a company’s basic core values, workplace norms, communication styles and even decision-making processes. Culture begins with the HR department and management team, as they directly impact the dynamics of a work environment.
Many employers are feeling the strain of the skills gap. Here are 6 approaches to help businesses make adjustments and bridge the gap.
Recruiters engage with multiple candidates for a variety of job positions on a daily basis. Over the course of their careers, every recruiter comes across a situation or two that they’ll never forget. With Halloween right around the corner, we’ve complied some of the craziest recruiting nightmares we could find.
The job market is extremely competitive, and there’s no guarantee you’ll hear back on the applications you’ve submitted. When this happens, it may feel like nothing works in your favor. Improve your job-hunting skills and boost your chances at landing an interview with these tips:
In an effort to help job candidates get a better idea of some interview do’s and don’ts, we asked our team what job seekers do that annoys them the most.
Running a small business has plenty of challenges to contend with, but finding the right talent doesn’t have to be one of them. Use these tips to enhance and tailor your recruiting strategy to make the talent acquisition process as streamlined as possible so you can focus on your core business.
The first days, weeks, and months are crucial to the success of your new employees, making your onboarding strategy extremely important. Creating an effective onboarding process starts with knowing the most common mistakes and how to avoid them.
It’s impossible to know for sure you’re hiring the best person to fill that open position, but by doing thorough research, involving your team, and conducting working interviews, you can put yourself and your organization in the best position possible when hiring.
Employee handbooks that are purposeful, detailed, and well-written have the ability to minimize many of the HR challenges business owners dislike taking on.
Recruiters look at their relationships with job seekers as partnerships, not one-sided transactions, and so we wanted to offer some of the key things recruiters wish job seekers realized to make the most out of working together.
Having an understanding of your turnover rate is an essential part of any HR function – monitoring the movement of employees out of your company will allow you to better minimize the causes of turnover and increase your employee retention.
As an employer with an open job position, the first thing you want to know is, “How fast can we get this position filled?” and the last thing you want to hear in response is, “It just depends…”
While there’s no single formula or questionnaire for perfectly assessing every candidate for each position you need to fill, there are some key questions to ask yourself about every candidate you interview.
It’s a constant challenge to stay ahead, especially in today’s employment market. Filling your open positions is harder than ever considering the low Unemployment Rates and large number of job openings you’re competing with.
As these and other changes are put into action by more and more employers, it will become easier for recruiting and staffing agencies to attract and retain the qualified talent clients are looking for.
The fact is… recruiting is really tough right now! There’s no single solution that solves all hiring challenges, however, we do have a tip we believe will increase your chances of snagging the top talent you’ve found and bringing them on board: simplify your process and reduce your time to hire.
Conduct a thorough interview that will provide the best information for deciding whether to extend a job offer or not. There are different techniques and types of interviews – see what might be best for your style, your company and your open position.
It’s hard to find a tougher game than recruiting and retention these days. With so many new rules and factors, you win by focusing on the long game. Avoid these mistakes during the recruiting process to help avoid the Quick Quit trend and increase retention… that’s what the long game is all about.
We don’t foresee the hardships surrounding recruiting and retention going away any time soon – if ever. Employers need to start evaluating and adapting their strategy and placing greater focus on the employee experience in order to remain competitive in the labor market.
The holiday season can be hectic, and when you add employing seasonal workers to your plate, it can get pretty stressful! Follow our guide, and let us help you out.