The Arnold Group (TAG) - Job Seeker Blog
The Arnold Group (TAG) - Job Seeker Blog
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Writing a resume comes with its own set of challenges, but a new conundrum is how to put gig work on your resume. Here are a few suggestions from our experienced staff on how to properly list temporary gig work and side hustles on your resume.
It’s nearly impossible to not have an online presence these days. In fact, it’s now more uncommon not to be online, so it should come as no surprise that 3 out of 4 recruiters and hiring managers will check out potential candidate’s social media profiles before making a hiring decision.
Before you submit any of your friends to be considered by HR however, consider these 5 things… after all, it’s your professional reputation on the line.
Your resume is where a recruiter or hiring manager will make the decision to call about scheduling an interview or not, so it is essential that it is relevant to the job you’re applying for, well-written, and eye catching.
Knowing what not to do during that interview is just as important as knowing what to do. The last thing you want to do is show a lack of desire for the job or respect for the company. These mistakes show just that, so be sure you don’t make any them.
Whether you're an experienced author or writing your first resume, it's easy to get tripped up by grammar mistakes. Here are some of the most common grammatical errors made on a resume that you need to watch out for.
It’s 15 minutes before your job interview. What do you do? The best answer: whatever you need to do to stay calm, cool, collected and focused. That may look a little bit different to everyone, but there are some top things you should (or shouldn’t) do right before your interview.
We see candidates make the same mistakes… mistakes easily avoided if only they knew how we think and operate. In an effort to end some of the frustration experienced on job seekers’ side of the hiring process, we’ve compiled a list of things we wish all candidates knew:
Whether you follow up through an email, a phone call or a handwritten letter, it's important your follow up is appropriate and you aren't accidentally hindering your chances at landing a position. Here are some of the most common mistakes made when following up after an interview:
Most job interviews end with the interviewer asking, “Do you have any questions for me?” If your answer is, “No” you miss the opportunity to ask questions that will help you determine if the company will be a good fit for you. You also risk been seen as unprepared or disinterested.
The fact is, everyone wants unicorn employees at their company. Even if you haven’t quite achieved that true unicorn shine yet, keep working to grow your strengths and keep these qualities in mind – you’ll prove to be a rare and valuable find in no time.
Some of these skills may come to you more naturally than others, but keeping in mind the top soft skills employers and managers consider when making employment decisions will help keep you on track for both personal development and professional success.
Interviewing is arguably the most important part of your job search… and the most nerve-wracking. We can’t completely eliminate the nerves, but we can help prepare you by answering some of the most commonly asked questions about interviewing for a job.
The job market is extremely competitive, and there’s no guarantee you’ll hear back on the applications you’ve submitted. When this happens, it may feel like nothing works in your favor. Improve your job-hunting skills and boost your chances at landing an interview with these tips:
If you’re still on the quest to find your dream job, don’t despair… it is possible. The key is being realistic about what the ideal career looks like, and the potential struggles and hard work involved.
Resume writing can be intimidating when you aren’t sure what to include or how to best showcase your skills, which is why we’ve come up with a list of tips to apply to your resume to demonstrate to employers you would be a great fit.
Recruiters typically only spend 10-20 seconds on each resume before making a decision about moving forward. Better ensure you capture your reader’s attention in that small window of time with these tips.
‘Twas the night before your job interview, and all through the house, chaos ensued and you were kind of a grouch. You set out your outfit and polished your shoes, hoping that getting out the door on time would be smooth.
Job seekers spend hours crafting the perfect resume to best represent their skills and qualifications. While focusing all their efforts on ensuring their resume eliminates any potential red flags for employers, they often forget to be on the lookout for red flags in the job postings they are applying for.
Our advice? No matter the situation, you should never burn those bridges
Gone are the days where everyone wears a suit and tie into the office every day.
You don’t have to be best friends with your boss in order to have a great working relationship. And if you feel like you have a toxic working relationship, there are things you can do to try and improve it. This is one of the easiest ways to work on improving things.
Employees have to understand the responsibilities, desired attitudes, and basic skills needed to succeed and advance in any job position. To help improve your employability as a job seeker, it's vital to demonstrate the following soft skills and attitudes:
If you’re applying for jobs, it’s easy to feel like recruiters are ghosting you if you don’t hear from them for a few days. Before you jump to conclusions though, take a look at what might be going on...
So, you’re searching for a job and have no idea where to begin... it’s okay to feel overwhelmed by all the options. No matter where you are in your employment search, follow these timeless job hunting tips to guide your job search.
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